Nice to Meet You



Hey there.

I’m Jacob, a therapist for those amongst us who are constantly reaching for something more, yet also find themselves held back by impossibly high expectations, fear of failure, and limiting self-beliefs.

If you're here, reading this right now, this is likely you. And even if you could kick into a higher gear, you’re not quite sure which direction to go. So you keep going round and round, giving a desultory wave to the same sights each time you pass.

Life isn’t always a straight line, but it doesn’t have to be a circle.

Jacob Mergendoller is a New York City-based psychotherapist
Jacob Mergendoller is a New York City-based psychotherapist

Life throws problems your way and so often you’re able to dispel them with ease (and that’s not an accident–you’ve worked hard to get to this point). Charm, competence, and confidence are now a part of who you are. Or at least how you allow people to see you.

And when you come across something truly challenging, it’s nothing you can’t overcome by just working a little harder. “Balance” soon follows in the form of a few more drinks or nightly hits of the vape pen.

But what happens when you stumble into a puzzle you can’t solve by doubling down on effort? These are the problems that exist not around you, but inside of you. All the rationale and logical reasoning in the world won’t be able to crack this, because this is no math problem.

Things would be so much easier to understand if they followed any kind of recognizable logic.

You look around and see that while you aren’t completely lost, per se, it’s more that you’ve just lost your footing. And nobody else really gets it. And you’re fucking exhausted.

You work so hard in your relationships and still find yourself annoyed and unfulfilled. You work so hard constantly entertaining others and trying to make sure everyone else is always having a good time. You work so hard to ignore that lurking feeling that people are judging you. And let’s be honest–even if they’re not judging you, you’re definitely judging yourself.

If only feelings were rational, you would be able to find your way out of this emotional labyrinth and continue on your merry way.

Maybe the answer isn’t waiting on that next rung of success you keep reaching for, but instead it’s nestled back inside that emotional labyrinth. This is where you were afraid you would have to go, because this is where the scary shit is.

All of your barriers live here–fear of failure, imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, and that vaguely unsettling feeling that you might be a people pleaser (but you prefer the term “caretaker”).

If only you could find an unwavering companion to be with you as you face yourself. A friend might do, but you doubt they’d be able to call you out on the charming defenses and distractions you so skillfully employ. Whenever things become a little too raw or vulnerable, out come the excuses that protect you–and also feed that feeling of emptiness.

You need a therapist who will challenge you to push past this misleading sense of safety. Somebody who will see you on the inside and also understand why and how you’ve crafted such a meticulous exterior. Somebody who will help you find the words to describe all those wild feelings you’ve worked so hard to hide from everyone.

I work with people just like you.

If you’re willing to stop the engine long enough to look under the hood, you might discover what’s inside that emotional maze you’ve always resented. It’s messy and complicated in there, and honestly, also kind of beautiful when you look at it in the right way. In our work together, we’ll connect the dots from your past so you can draw a more precise picture of your future.

I Work with People Just Like You

Tired of waiting for things to get better on their own?

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to get started today.


You’ve made it this far down the page and you’re still not sure if the vibe is right. You find yourself asking, “Is this what I want? Or are what I want and what I need different things?” Maybe if you have just a little bit more information about my style as a therapist, you’ll be able to decide what’s right for you.

We can go into the weeds of all the different treatment orientations I use and what approach is best for what issue, but my bet is that our time is better spent actually getting to the core of what's bothering you.

But if you’re still curious and want to get technical about it, I tend to use four main treatment approaches:

The Nitty-Gritty

My Approach


We'll explore your thoughts and feelings to uncover and understand how your past experiences are impacting you today.


We'll work on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors to build healthy coping skills and improve your emotional well-being.


We’ll follow a structured approach that helps your brain process and heal from traumatic or distressing memories.


We’ll focus on developing self-awareness and self-esteem in a supportive, non-judgmental environment so that you can realize your full potential.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

I don't expect you to let me in so that I can see you–really see you–while not knowing anything about me. So, let's get to know each other a little bit.

about me

On the Professional Side

My first job in New York City was as a bartender (just another kind of therapist) where I learned how to make an exceptional margarita and mojito. I then found my way into marketing, helping big and small tech companies grow when the wind was at our back, and scale down when we ran into headwinds. This included multiple layoffs, which also at times, impacted me. I felt the confusion, anger, pain, and everything else that that kind of experience brings with it. I eventually took a step back and realized I felt more unfulfilled than ever before. That’s when I decided to pivot and become a therapist so I could build real connections with people and help them find their own version of change and fulfillment.

On the Personal Side

Outside of the therapy room, you can find me nurturing a green thumb to mixed success–the plants you see in my Zoom background are just the ones hanging on. I enjoy a strong cup of coffee in the morning, a good movie at night, and never met a dessert I didn’t like. I live in Brooklyn with a high energy dog who you might hear occasionally in the background. My apologies in advance.

My Kind of Therapy isn't a One-Way Street.

Ready to Start Therapy?

Book a free 15-minute consultation to see if we're a good fit together.
